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Client class for AWS S3 which handles authentication with AWS for S3Path instances. See documentation for the __init__ method for detailed authentication options.

Source code in cloudpathlib/s3/
class S3Client(Client):
    """Client class for AWS S3 which handles authentication with AWS for [`S3Path`](../s3path/)
    instances. See documentation for the [`__init__` method][cloudpathlib.s3.s3client.S3Client.__init__]
    for detailed authentication options."""

    def __init__(
        aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
        aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None,
        aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None,
        no_sign_request: Optional[bool] = False,
        botocore_session: Optional["botocore.session.Session"] = None,
        profile_name: Optional[str] = None,
        boto3_session: Optional["Session"] = None,
        local_cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
        endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None,
        boto3_transfer_config: Optional["TransferConfig"] = None,
        content_type_method: Optional[Callable] = mimetypes.guess_type,
        """Class constructor. Sets up a boto3 [`Session`](
        Directly supports the same authentication interface, as well as the same environment
        variables supported by boto3. See [boto3 Session documentation](

        If no authentication arguments or environment variables are provided, then the client will
        be instantiated as anonymous, which will only have access to public buckets.

            aws_access_key_id (Optional[str]): AWS access key ID.
            aws_secret_access_key (Optional[str]): AWS secret access key.
            aws_session_token (Optional[str]): Session key for your AWS account. This is only
                needed when you are using temporarycredentials.
            no_sign_request: (Optional[bool]): If `True`, credentials are not looked for and we use unsigned
                requests to fetch resources. This will only allow access to public resources. This is equivalent
                to `--no-sign-request` in the AWS CLI (
            botocore_session (Optional[botocore.session.Session]): An already instantiated botocore
            profile_name (Optional[str]): Profile name of a profile in a shared credentials file.
            boto3_session (Optional[Session]): An already instantiated boto3 Session.
            local_cache_dir (Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]): Path to directory to use as cache
                for downloaded files. If None, will use a temporary directory.
            endpoint_url (Optional[str]): S3 server endpoint URL to use for the constructed boto3 S3 resource and client.
                Parameterize it to access a customly deployed S3-compatible object store such as MinIO, Ceph or any other.
            boto3_transfer_config (Optional[dict]): Instantiated TransferConfig for managing s3 transfers.
            content_type_method (Optional[Callable]): Function to call to guess media type (mimetype) when
                writing a file to the cloud. Defaults to `mimetypes.guess_type`. Must return a tuple (content type, content encoding).
        endpoint_url = endpoint_url or os.getenv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL")
        if boto3_session is not None:
            self.sess = boto3_session
            self.sess = Session(

        if no_sign_request:
            self.s3 = self.sess.resource(
            self.client = self.sess.client(
            self.s3 = self.sess.resource("s3", endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
            self.client = self.sess.client("s3", endpoint_url=endpoint_url)

        self.boto3_transfer_config = boto3_transfer_config

        super().__init__(local_cache_dir=local_cache_dir, content_type_method=content_type_method)

    def _get_metadata(self, cloud_path: S3Path) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        data = self.s3.ObjectSummary(cloud_path.bucket, cloud_path.key).get()

        return {
            "last_modified": data["LastModified"],
            "size": data["ContentLength"],
            "etag": data["ETag"],
            "content_type": data["ContentType"],
            "extra": data["Metadata"],

    def _download_file(self, cloud_path: S3Path, local_path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> Path:
        local_path = Path(local_path)
        obj = self.s3.Object(cloud_path.bucket, cloud_path.key)

        obj.download_file(str(local_path), Config=self.boto3_transfer_config)
        return local_path

    def _is_file_or_dir(self, cloud_path: S3Path) -> Optional[str]:
        # short-circuit the root-level bucket
        if not cloud_path.key:
            return "dir"

        # get first item by listing at least one key
        s3_obj = self._s3_file_query(cloud_path)

        if s3_obj is None:
            return None

        # since S3 only returns files when filtering objects:
        # if the first item key is equal to the path key, this is a file
        if s3_obj.key == cloud_path.key:

            # "fake" directories on S3 can be created in the console UI
            # these are 0-size keys that end in `/`
            #  Ref:
            if s3_obj.key.endswith("/") and s3_obj.content_length == 0:
                return "dir"
                return "file"
            return "dir"

    def _exists(self, cloud_path: S3Path) -> bool:
        return self._s3_file_query(cloud_path) is not None

    def _s3_file_query(self, cloud_path: S3Path):
        """Boto3 query used for quick checks of existence and if path is file/dir"""
        # first check if this is an object that we can access directly

            obj = self.s3.Object(cloud_path.bucket, cloud_path.key)
            return obj

        # else, confirm it is a dir by filtering to the first item under the prefix
        except ClientError:
            key = cloud_path.key.rstrip("/") + "/"

            return next(
                    for obj in (

    def _list_dir(self, cloud_path: S3Path, recursive=False) -> Iterable[Tuple[S3Path, bool]]:
        bucket = self.s3.Bucket(cloud_path.bucket)

        prefix = cloud_path.key
        if prefix and not prefix.endswith("/"):
            prefix += "/"

        yielded_dirs = set()

        if recursive:
            for o in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix):
                # get directory from this path
                for parent in PurePosixPath(o.key[len(prefix) :]).parents:
                    # if we haven't surfaced their directory already
                    if parent not in yielded_dirs and str(parent) != ".":
                        yield (self.CloudPath(f"s3://{cloud_path.bucket}/{prefix}{parent}"), True)

                yield (self.CloudPath(f"s3://{o.bucket_name}/{o.key}"), False)
            # non recursive is best done with old client API rather than resource
            paginator = self.client.get_paginator("list_objects")

            for result in paginator.paginate(
                Bucket=cloud_path.bucket, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter="/"
                # sub directory names
                for result_prefix in result.get("CommonPrefixes", []):
                    yield (

                # files in the directory
                for result_key in result.get("Contents", []):
                    yield (

    def _move_file(self, src: S3Path, dst: S3Path, remove_src: bool = True) -> S3Path:
        # just a touch, so "REPLACE" metadata
        if src == dst:
            o = self.s3.Object(src.bucket, src.key)
                CopySource={"Bucket": src.bucket, "Key": src.key},
                Metadata=self._get_metadata(src).get("extra", {}),

            target = self.s3.Object(dst.bucket, dst.key)
            target.copy({"Bucket": src.bucket, "Key": src.key})

            if remove_src:
        return dst

    def _remove(self, cloud_path: S3Path, missing_ok: bool = True) -> None:
            obj = self.s3.Object(cloud_path.bucket, cloud_path.key)

            # will throw if not a file

            resp = obj.delete()
            assert resp.get("ResponseMetadata").get("HTTPStatusCode") == 204

        except ClientError:
            # try to delete as a direcotry instead
            bucket = self.s3.Bucket(cloud_path.bucket)

            prefix = cloud_path.key
            if prefix and not prefix.endswith("/"):
                prefix += "/"

            resp = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix).delete()

            # ensure directory deleted; if cloud_path did not exist at all
            # resp will be [], so no need to check success
            if resp:
                assert resp[0].get("ResponseMetadata").get("HTTPStatusCode") == 200
                if not missing_ok:
                    raise FileNotFoundError(f"File does not exist: {cloud_path}")

    def _upload_file(self, local_path: Union[str, os.PathLike], cloud_path: S3Path) -> S3Path:
        obj = self.s3.Object(cloud_path.bucket, cloud_path.key)

        extra_args = {}

        if self.content_type_method is not None:
            content_type, content_encoding = self.content_type_method(str(local_path))
            if content_type is not None:
                extra_args["ContentType"] = content_type
            if content_encoding is not None:
                extra_args["ContentEncoding"] = content_encoding

        obj.upload_file(str(local_path), Config=self.boto3_transfer_config, ExtraArgs=extra_args)
        return cloud_path


S3Path(self, cloud_path: Union[str, ~BoundedCloudPath]) -> ~BoundedCloudPath

Source code in cloudpathlib/s3/
def CloudPath(self, cloud_path: Union[str, BoundedCloudPath]) -> BoundedCloudPath:
    return self._cloud_meta.path_class(cloud_path=cloud_path, client=self)

__init__(self, aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, no_sign_request: Optional[bool] = False, botocore_session: Optional[botocore.session.Session] = None, profile_name: Optional[str] = None, boto3_session: Optional[Session] = None, local_cache_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike] = None, endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None, boto3_transfer_config: Optional[TransferConfig] = None, content_type_method: Optional[Callable] = <function guess_type at 0x7fe6cf31a790>) special

Class constructor. Sets up a boto3 Session. Directly supports the same authentication interface, as well as the same environment variables supported by boto3. See boto3 Session documentation.

If no authentication arguments or environment variables are provided, then the client will be instantiated as anonymous, which will only have access to public buckets.


Name Type Description Default
aws_access_key_id Optional[str]

AWS access key ID.

aws_secret_access_key Optional[str]

AWS secret access key.

aws_session_token Optional[str]

Session key for your AWS account. This is only needed when you are using temporarycredentials.

no_sign_request Optional[bool]

(Optional[bool]): If True, credentials are not looked for and we use unsigned requests to fetch resources. This will only allow access to public resources. This is equivalent to --no-sign-request in the AWS CLI (

botocore_session Optional[botocore.session.Session]

An already instantiated botocore Session.

profile_name Optional[str]

Profile name of a profile in a shared credentials file.

boto3_session Optional[Session]

An already instantiated boto3 Session.

local_cache_dir Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]

Path to directory to use as cache for downloaded files. If None, will use a temporary directory.

endpoint_url Optional[str]

S3 server endpoint URL to use for the constructed boto3 S3 resource and client. Parameterize it to access a customly deployed S3-compatible object store such as MinIO, Ceph or any other.

boto3_transfer_config Optional[dict]

Instantiated TransferConfig for managing s3 transfers. (

content_type_method Optional[Callable]

Function to call to guess media type (mimetype) when writing a file to the cloud. Defaults to mimetypes.guess_type. Must return a tuple (content type, content encoding).

<function guess_type at 0x7fe6cf31a790>
Source code in cloudpathlib/s3/
def __init__(
    aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
    aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None,
    aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None,
    no_sign_request: Optional[bool] = False,
    botocore_session: Optional["botocore.session.Session"] = None,
    profile_name: Optional[str] = None,
    boto3_session: Optional["Session"] = None,
    local_cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
    endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None,
    boto3_transfer_config: Optional["TransferConfig"] = None,
    content_type_method: Optional[Callable] = mimetypes.guess_type,
    """Class constructor. Sets up a boto3 [`Session`](
    Directly supports the same authentication interface, as well as the same environment
    variables supported by boto3. See [boto3 Session documentation](

    If no authentication arguments or environment variables are provided, then the client will
    be instantiated as anonymous, which will only have access to public buckets.

        aws_access_key_id (Optional[str]): AWS access key ID.
        aws_secret_access_key (Optional[str]): AWS secret access key.
        aws_session_token (Optional[str]): Session key for your AWS account. This is only
            needed when you are using temporarycredentials.
        no_sign_request: (Optional[bool]): If `True`, credentials are not looked for and we use unsigned
            requests to fetch resources. This will only allow access to public resources. This is equivalent
            to `--no-sign-request` in the AWS CLI (
        botocore_session (Optional[botocore.session.Session]): An already instantiated botocore
        profile_name (Optional[str]): Profile name of a profile in a shared credentials file.
        boto3_session (Optional[Session]): An already instantiated boto3 Session.
        local_cache_dir (Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]): Path to directory to use as cache
            for downloaded files. If None, will use a temporary directory.
        endpoint_url (Optional[str]): S3 server endpoint URL to use for the constructed boto3 S3 resource and client.
            Parameterize it to access a customly deployed S3-compatible object store such as MinIO, Ceph or any other.
        boto3_transfer_config (Optional[dict]): Instantiated TransferConfig for managing s3 transfers.
        content_type_method (Optional[Callable]): Function to call to guess media type (mimetype) when
            writing a file to the cloud. Defaults to `mimetypes.guess_type`. Must return a tuple (content type, content encoding).
    endpoint_url = endpoint_url or os.getenv("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL")
    if boto3_session is not None:
        self.sess = boto3_session
        self.sess = Session(

    if no_sign_request:
        self.s3 = self.sess.resource(
        self.client = self.sess.client(
        self.s3 = self.sess.resource("s3", endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
        self.client = self.sess.client("s3", endpoint_url=endpoint_url)

    self.boto3_transfer_config = boto3_transfer_config

    super().__init__(local_cache_dir=local_cache_dir, content_type_method=content_type_method)